HUBba kabar? Still remember our unique greeting? You may recognize it from past newsletters, a play on “apa kabar”, Bahasa for “how are you?”, and the word Hub, representing Impact Hub.
Cheeky and playful, no doubt! But also warm and friendly, to communicate our main mission: to create a welcoming place for all to enjoy and make their home.
Welcome to Impact Hub Jakarta NEWSLETTER September 2022!
August saw us host a few cool events, from RUKI’s KAWAN new program launch for our community member, Coworkinc, to Indonesia Plastic Recyclers association gathering, to the fun Merdeka Games to celebrate Independence with Impact Hub Family, tenants, and Communities.
But our BIGGEST ACCOMPLISHMENT was co-hosting F20! Please read further below for more on this world-class prestigious event. A first for Impact Hub Jakarta!
Impact Hub Jakarta always strives to offer relevant programs and events that bring together impact makers and stakeholders, to grow Indonesia’s impact-driven ecosystem. Do visit our happening Hub whenever your travels bring you to Jakarta.
Let’s stay connected and keep making impact wherever we are.
What’s happening at the Hub? |

F20 Climate Solutions Forum Indonesia is on everyone’s lips! A first for the country to host the prestigious G20, Indonesia is making headlines for the year-long events leading to G20 in October. So it was an honor for Impact Hub Jakarta to co-host the “F20 Climate Solutions Forum” on 7 – 8 September 2022. A collaboration of Hamburg-based Foundations Platform F20, and co-chaired by Habibie Center, who roped in leading foundations: Wahid Foundation, Bina Swadaya Foundation, and Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra (YDBA) Foundation. The Foundations Platform F20 is a network of more than 70 foundations and philanthropic organizations around the world, calling for joint, transnational action towards sustainable development, along positive transformation examples to provide pathways towards solutions of today’s most pressing challenges – climate change and a just transition towards sustainable development, based on renewable energy. |

COMBLANGIN 2:Show & Tell for Women Entrepreneurs & Sustainability We hosted another COMBLANGIN – Community Building & Matchmaking! The 2nd episode featuring Women-led StartUps, Businesses and Communities, focusing on Sustainability. Humbled to see the turnout! We interacted with so many inspiring impact makers! After two successful COMBLANGIN events, we’ve decided to make it a regular event, planning to run it every quarter, or sooner, depending on market needs. |

Almira Zulfikar – Perempuan dan Circular EconomyCurCol Eps.2 in collaboration with Mindtera In the 2nd episode of Curated Collision (CurCol), we collaborated with Mindtera on “Women in Environment and Waste”, with Almira Zulfikar, Co-Founder & COO of Plépah. A women-led impact-driven StartUp that makes biodegradable food packaging from areca palm leaf sheath, as alternative to plastic and styrofoam packaging. Devy Chan (Career Life Coach at Mindtera) interviewed Almira Zulfikar, to gauge her motivation despite all the challenges as a woman-led Startup. Mindtera is an application that provides solutions and education for learning emotional, social, physical intelligence and self-development online. Watch the video by clicking here! |

KAWAN RUKI Program Launch One of our tenants and community members, Coworkinc, launched their new program, KAWAN RUKI (Kelompok Pembawa Perubahan bersama RUKI), designed to appreciate communities for their impact on society. Focusing on communities in a wide range of sectors: Environment; Education; Women, Parents & Children; Health Issues (physical and mental); Disability (the Deaf, Vision-impaired, Mobility-impaired, and the Mentally-challenged); Technology (including digital literacy); and Humanity (youth and disasters). The selected KAWAN RUKI will later become RUKI’s partner to create collaborative program initiatives according to issues in their respective fields. They will also receive mentoring in business models and organizational programs. Check the info at, registration closes on September 20, 2022. |

Impact Hub Jakarta MERDEKA Games Every country celebrates Independence Day with fanfare. Indonesia is no different. Every August 17, when the whole country is awash in red & white, neighborhoods and communities hold traditional games for young and old alike. This year, we decided to bring this spirit indoors. We chose 10 games that brought together Impact Hub Team, Tenants, and some Community Members for an afternoon of fun and laughter. From balloon races to “kerupuk” cracker eating race, inserting-pencil-in-a-bottle, to platefuls of flour relay. |

Indonesian Plastic Recyclers Meetup Indonesia Plastic Recyclers (IPR) is a trade association that connects recycling industries with stakeholders, other industries, the government, and multinational companies. We had the honor of hosting their networking event in August. The association was established in 2018 with only a handful of members, and has grown to almost 60 members nationwide today. Seeing the lively discussions and new connections being made at the gathering gave us a glimmer of hope that Indonesia’s plastic waste challenge has solutions in the making. |
Regional & International News |

Humans of Impact Impact Hub Asia Pacific (APAC) announces the return of “Humans of Impact”. New and improved for greater impact, this event series is curated by Impact Hub Taipei for the APAC community, and engage current Accelerate Regional Membership cohort participants to network and learn new trends. In collaboration with different Impact Hubs in APAC, the 4-month innovative event aims to share all kinds of impacts that key opinion leaders, experts, industry executives, and impact entrepreneurs have used to leave their mark on the world while encouraging dialogue among its panelists and participants. Impact Hub Taipei and Impact Hub Jakarta invite you to the first event of Humans of Impact on 16 September 2022, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM (GMT+8, Taipei Time). Our 1st session speaker is Claire Wong, Executive Director and Head of DBS Foundation, Business for Impact Chapter. Click here for the Zoom link: |

Impact Hub Kathmandu’s UNICEF Incubation / BootCamp Event The most rewarding experience of being part of Impact Hub Global Family, is having access to impactful stories from Hubs around the world. Stories on unique projects, and inspiring programs, all sharing the same goal of finding solutions to working directly hear success stories. Our friends at Impact Hub Kathmandu wrapped up a cool project. Together with their implementing partners, UNICEF Imagen Ventures Generation Unlimited 3.0, UNDP Nepal, and ILO, they announced five national winners who are now preparing to contest to become the two finalists for the Global Youth Challenge 2022. After completing 3-day boot camps in Janakpur, Kailali, and Kathmandu, 15 participating teams underwent 2.5 months of mentorship to craft and sharpen their campaign ideas. Find out the 5 National winning ideas here! |

Are you ready to take the next step in scaling innovation and sustainability in your community? Becoming a co-founder has never been easier. Now you can gain access to an empowering global network, become a recognized social brand, and adopt a proven resilient business model. Turn your ideas into impact by rebranding your business or building an Impact Hub in your city today. Here’s how! |